
Do you offer school transportation?

The Academy works with Amir Transportation, a transportation service. They currently offer many morning and afternoon routes from Plano, Allen, McKinney, Frisco, Murphy, Wylie, Irving and Richardson. They update routes at the beginning of each school year, depending on family enrollment and their needs. For more information, you may email Amir Transportation at amirtransportbha@gmail.com or call 214-912-6715.

What is the average class size?

Our average class size is about 15-20 students. At present, no classes are over 22 students.

What is the class ratio for prekindergarten and kindergarten?


How diverse is the Academy’s staff?

We have staff members from over 25 countries, from all across the world, including ones from South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

What is the ratio of male to female students?

While it varies from class to class, the overall student population is 46% male and 54% female.


What foreign languages are offered?

We currently only offer Arabic as a foreign language.

Are your classes TEKS aligned?

The Academy has adopted the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) published by the Texas Education Agency. All of our classes, with the exception of Islamic Studies, Qur’an, and Arabic, are TEKS aligned.

What type of standardized testings do students take?


Do you have a Hifz (Qur’an Memorization) Program?

Our approach to the Qur’an is to have the students connect to the book as a book of wisdom and message from God and therefore we believe it’s important for them to understand the meaning of the Qur’an and not just memorizing it.

We also believe that children need to memorize the Qur’an for prayer purposes and to be close to the Book of God. So, we offer memorization, reading, and recitation opportunities in the curriculum. In the past two years, we have adopted the Nuraniya program which places a strong emphasis on developing students’ reading and recitation skills and helps them memorize more easily. Our teachers are certified in teaching this program.

For families who wish to provide more training in this area, we offer an after-school program.

Do you offer AP classes?

Yes, we offer AP History in 10th grade, US History and AP English in 11th grade, AP Calculus, AP English, AP Chemistry in 12th grade