Islamic Studies

Curriculum Objectives:

  1. To learn to glorify and adore Allah and love His prophets, to love whatever and whomever Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him) love, to dislike whatever and whomever they dislike, and to willingly behave in a way pleasing to Allah.
  2. To develop an attitude of total submission to Allah’s divine revelation and to discern the validity of teachings, practices, and/or cultural adaptations through proper research and comparison with authentic sources, namely Qur’an and Sunnah.
  3. To understand that Islam is a comprehensive, balanced and perfect way of life; to learn the foundational Islamic beliefs, ideals, ethics, obligations, injunctions, and prohibitions; and to gain whatever knowledge is necessary to live a God-conscious life.
  4. To involve students in actively expressing their Islamic beliefs though their actions, to put Islam into practice in a balanced and moderate manner.
  5. To nurture the Islamic personality through a profound understanding of mankind’s purpose and place within all of Allah’s seen and unseen creation.
  6. To understand the characteristics and responsibilities of Islamic leadership, from personally enjoining good and forbidding evil, to ruling with compassion and justice as God’s deputy on earth, and to actively serve the Muslim community as well as the society at large.
  7. To develop a sense of genuine connectedness with the Muslim Ummah (world-wide community), appreciating its rich diversity and understanding the value of Islamic unity and brotherhood.

Islamic Education:

Islamic Education is unlike other kinds of Education which primarily focus upon cognitive objectives. In that case a student gets knowledge for the sake of knowledge and is expected to soak all the information taught, like a sponge. However, Islamic education focuses, not only on the cognitive, but also on the affective and psychomotor domains. Here, learning objectives are designed to develop Islamic values, attitudes and behaviors (Affective). Skills and proficiencies in performing various Islamic obligations such as reading Qur’an, performing Salah, Sawm, Zakah, Hajj, skills in dealing with others and giving Da’wah to them are also developed. (Psychomotor)

We believe that the mission of Islamic education is “Tarbiyah”, or to educate students and take care of them and train them at all levels. Tarbiyah focuses on behavior modification and development in accordance with the Qur’an and Sunnah.

Teachers in different school levels use different methods

Elementary School

At the early stage of this level, teachers use a lot of concrete and hands on techniques such as artifacts, clay, drawing and coloring, puzzles, Islamic songs (Nashid), role play, simulations, audio-visual materials, modern technology tools such as I pads, mimios, etc.
4th-6th grades get more teaching using the white board or power points, in addition to the previous methods.

Middle School

Teachers introduce new material through discussion using question/ answer techniques. They also use peer teaching and group work. Role play is a common practice, and students love it. Projects are assigned at least once every semester. Field trips, audio- visuals, and technology tools such as mimio pads are frequently used.

High school

Project-based learning is used extensively at this stage. The teacher here is more of a facilitator of knowledge. Students feel more responsible for their learning which gives them a sense of gratification and confidence. The teacher presents and explains new material and conducts class discussions. She supervises study activities and varied learning experiences such as group work, role play, debates, simulations, moral dilemmas, guest speakers, open forums, field trips, You Tube videos, documentary critiques, reports on conventions/ current issues, and journals.


3145 Medical Plaza Dr.,
Garland, TX 75044

(972) 675-2062

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Brighter Horizons Academy is a model Islamic educational institution that produces generations of leaders to be successful in this life and the Hereafter.


Brighter Horizons Academy aims to develop practicing Muslim leaders who are lifelong learners that serve their diverse community and global society as respectful citizens.

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