Social Studies

Pre-K - 5th


Students learn to depend on events and routines that occur in a regular and predictable order. They begin to understand past events how these events relate to present and future activities, demonstrating evidence of their growing understanding of time, change, and continuity. They will learn about the world in their community. They explore the roles and relationships of consumers and producers and become aware that people produce services as well as goods. Children learn that their community benefits from many different people working in many different ways. They will begin to understand important customs, symbols, and celebrations that represent American beliefs and principles and contribute to our national identity.


Students will explore state and national heritage by examining the celebration of patriotic holidays and the contributions of individuals. The concept of chronology is introduced. Students will apply geographic concepts of location and physical and human characteristics of place. They will identify basic human needs and ways people meet these needs. Students will learn the purpose of rules and the role of authority figures in the home and school. Students will practice problem-solving, decision-making, and independent-thinking skills.

Grade 1

Students will learn about holidays, historical figures, concepts of time and chronology, and the purpose of maps and globes. They will learn about the concepts of goods and services, the purpose of rules and laws, characteristics of good citizenship, and how technology affects daily life, past and present. They will use use problem solving and decision making skills, working independently and with others, in a variety of settings.

Grade 2

Students will learn about landmarks, concepts of time and chronology, historical figures, and simple geographic tools such as maps and globes. They will learn about characteristics of places and regions, the value of work, the purpose of governments, the importance of symbols, and how technology affects daily life, past and present. They will also learn about electronic technology and how to use problem solving and decision making skills, working independently and with others, in a variety of settings.

Grade 3

Students will learn about characteristics of communities, concepts of time and chronology, the free enterprise system, the levels of government, and historical documents. They will learn about the significance of works of art, the importance of writers and artists, and the invention of technology. They will also be able to communicate in oral, visual, and written forms as well as use problem solving and decision making skills, working independently and with others, in a variety of settings.

Grade 4

Students will learn about different American Indian groups in Texas and North America before European exploration, the Texas Revolution, the free enterprise system in Texas, and importance of ideas in historical documents of Texas and the United States. They will learn about the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, and religious groups to Texas as well as the impact of science and technology on life in Texas. They will also be able to communicate in oral, visual, and written forms as well as use problem solving and decision making skills, working independently and with others, in a variety of settings.

Grade 5

Students will learn about European colonization in the United States, American independence, the Articles of Confederation, economic patterns of early societies, and the enterprise system in the United States. They will learn about the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the relationship between the arts and the times during which they were created. They will also be able to communicate in oral, visual, and written forms as well as use problem solving and decision making skills, working independently and with others, in a variety of settings.


3145 Medical Plaza Dr.,
Garland, TX 75044

(972) 675-2062

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Brighter Horizons Academy aims to develop practicing Muslim leaders who are lifelong learners that serve their diverse community and global society as respectful citizens.

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